Firebase Dart Admin Auth SDK v0.0.1-pre+6 Release Notes

Firebase Dart Admin Auth SDK v0.0.1-pre+6 Release Notes
Firebase Dart Admin Auth SDK Release Notes

Release Date: November 1, 2024
Version: 0.0.1-pre+6
Status: Pre-release

Aortem is excited to announce another pre-release version of the Firebase Dart Admin Auth SDK, 0.0.1-pre+6. This latest release introduces several essential authentication features within the sample app, enhancing user authentication and authorization capabilities with Firebase for Dart developers.

New Features

The following features have been added to the sample app:


Allows users to link additional provider accounts to an existing Firebase user using a popup-based flow for supported providers.


Provides the capability to link an existing Firebase user with a credential from another authentication provider, enabling multi-provider accounts.


Enables phone number sign-in functionality, allowing users to sign in or create accounts via SMS verification.


Handles the result of a sign-in with redirect flow, providing the signed-in user or error details after redirecting back to the app.


Initiates a sign-in with redirect flow, enabling providers that require redirect-based authentication.


Fetches the FirebaseAuth instance associated with a particular FirebaseApp, providing a streamlined way to access authentication functionality tied to that specific app.


Initializes FirebaseAuth for a given FirebaseApp instance, enabling authentication services to be linked to individual app instances and improving app-specific authentication handling.


This version is a pre-release, intended for early adopters and testing purposes and some features may not be fully stable. The features implemented in the sample app are mainly for demonstration purposes.

Now available on

About the author
Ini Arthur

Dart Code Labs

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