Firebase Dart Admin Auth SDK v0.0.1-pre+7 Release Notes

The Firebase Dart Admin Auth SDK v0.0.1-pre+7 is out. This new release includes improvements to the file structure and updates dependencies to ensure compatibility with the latest Flutter version.
Firebase Dart Admin Auth SDK v0.0.1-pre+7 Release Notes
Firebase Dart Admin Auth SDK v0.0.1-pre+7 Release Notes

Release Date: November 3, 2024
Version: 0.0.1-pre+7
Status: Pre-release

The Firebase Dart Admin Auth SDK v0.0.1-pre+7 is out. This new release includes improvements to the file structure and updates dependencies to ensure compatibility with the latest Flutter version. There is a better file structure and organization of the SDK and its sample app.


  • File Structure Overhaul
    • Restructured files for improved organization and maintainability, making it easier to navigate and locate key components within the SDK.
    • Simplified sample app structure to facilitate quick start and more intuitive access to example code and configurations.
  • Flutter Version Update
    • Updated Flutter SDK version: Upgraded from 3.24.3 to 3.24.4, ensuring compatibility with the latest stable Flutter release. This update includes performance and security improvements from the Flutter framework that will benefit all projects integrating this SDK version.


  • Existing users should review the updated file structure to familiarize themselves with the new organization.
  • When you create a new flutter app - it's likely that JAVA 21 is benig installed. Which is actually the latest and what should be used.
  • Depending on prior dependencies, you may get a flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle:compileDebugJavaWithJavac.
About the author
Ini Arthur

Dart Code Labs

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